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My name is Allison (Alli), I'm a follower of Jesus, a wife, a dog mom, a professional natural figure competitor, a lifelong athlete, and a passionate coach! I love all things health, nutrition and fitness and am excited to share my story with you!

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Nutrition is something I fell in love with through bodybuilding. 


My major in college was Exercise Science, so I was aware of sports nutrition. I had been educated in sports performance nutrition principles, but when I began competing in figure at the age of 18 I became fascinated by the impact nutrition had on how my body looked and performed. 


But it wasn’t until I encountered my own struggles with health that I came to realize nutrition also had the power to heal, to improve not just how I looked, but also, how I felt, and how my body functioned.


In 2010 I began to notice my digestive health was changing. I was referred to several gastroenterologists, and always wound up leaving more confused then I was before.


I was told I had IBS, told I needed to de-stress, one even told me I would be benefit from therapy. No one seemed to be able to help. Everything I ate upset my stomach. I was either constipated or constantly running to the bathroom.  Fatigue became a way of life. And worst of all, my digestive problems were taking away from my ability to love and serve others. 


Finally in 2014 a colonoscopy came back showing inflammation in my sigmoid colon and I was diagnosed with IBD (Ulcerative Colitis) and told that apart from medication (of which they recommended two) and a low fodmap diet there was nothing I could do.


Since that did not sit well with my heart, I pressed into prayerful guidance and direction, dove deep into self guided research and continuing education programs, and began to discover that autoimmunity - most all chronic health issues for that matter- is not only manageable but reversible.


I even began to question my diagnosis itself. The more I learned the more I realized that nutrition and lifestyle are medicine. The tools to change how I felt weren’t going to be found in doctors offices and prescriptions, but in what I ate, in how I lived, and most of all, in the Lord. 

Health is not simply calories, it’s the sum of every aspect of what makes us human- our mind, our heart, our body yes, and also our spirit.


In April of 2020 a routine colonoscopy came back clear. No colitis. None.


That same year I went back to school, studying at the oldest nutrition school in the country, the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York. I graduated a year later, and sat for and passed my IAHC board certification. 


In 2022 I completed further study and sat for, and passed my NBWHC certification, the most prestigious certification program for health coaches.


In 2023 I completed the FDN-P program and became practicing FDN-P.


I look back on all the pain, uncertainty and confusion, and can now see that the Lord was at work. What happened to me, had purpose. Our pain is never wasted. Everything I went through, and everything I continue to go through in my health and fitness journey, was, and is, by God's divine hand. He was working it for my good and His glory. 


My mission is to combine what I’ve learned through my success with bodybuilding and my personal health struggles, with my extensive professional education to help empower others. 


God gives us all just one body. I want you to both look and feel good in it. Because when we look and feel our best we are positioned to walk out Gods calling in our lives. 


I hope that my journey, my experience, my education and my expertise, can help empower you to take control of your health and body.



  • Functional Diagnostic Nutrition 2022-2023

Graduated certified FDN-P


  • Institute of Integrative Nutrition 2020-2021

Graduated certified health coach with additional certifications in Gastrointestinal Illness and Hormone Health, Board Certified IAHC


  • Precision Nutrition L1 and L2

Graduated 2017 and 2022
Board Certified NBHWC


  • Millersville University of PA

Bachelor's Science Sport Science, minor in Wellness
Graduated 2006



  • Adrenal Health in Clinical Practice, Kalish Institute

  • GI MAP Masterclass, Kalish Institute

  • GI Map Mentorship, Coreperform, Dasha Algouinik RDN

  • Metabolic Adaptations 1 & 2, Scoobyprep with Jason Theobald

  • Female Fertility & Infertility, Understanding Lab Indicators, Dr Allison McAllister ND

  • Methylation & Histamines, Coreperform, Dasha Algouinik RDN

  • IBS: FODMAPS, Fiber, Fat & Flora, Kate Scarlata RDN


I like to think of health as being whole person. Health coaching then, can best be described as a comprehensive, integrative approach to whole person health. I view health as the intersection of all things that make us whole and complete as God's children- the mind, the body, and the spirit/soul.


Certified Health Coaches, and FDN-Ps are credentialed members of the healthcare industry who bridge the gap between conventional and functional medicine and traditional diet coaches or fitness trainers.  


Not only do I have foundational knowledge in nutrition, and an extensive background in exercise science and personal training, but I also have additional training in the science of health behavior change which is what makes hiring a health coach so powerful. I am educated not to just tell you WHAT to change, but to coach you on HOW to change.


I use my knowledge of exercise, nutrition, health and wellness to help people navigate a variety of body composition and health concerns, while providing a place of unconditional support, accountability and encouragement.


My inbox is always open. I'd love to hear from you!

717-906-9509 Text or call

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